Flowers of Memory – France


Flowers of Memory is a French organization that places flowers on the graves of American Soldiers buried at Normandy American Cemetery.  Clemence Moalli is one of the members of that organization pictured at the Wall of the Missing pointing to the name of Pfc. Wayne W. Gable from Walnutport, Pennsylvania.


A member of the Flowers of Memory organization.


A young French girl member of Flowers of Memory organization placing flowers at the Wall of the missing.

Jean Bousquet & daughter Anne-Sarah

Jean-Christophe Bousquet and his 11 year old daughter, Anne – Sarah place flowers at the grave of Leopoldville casualty Sgt. Charles F. Sullivan.

Anne-Sarah Bousquet 2

Eleven year old Anne-Sarah Bousquet  places her flowers at the grave of Leopoldville casualty Sgt. Charles F. Sullivan.  Plot C- Row 23-Grave 27.

Anne-Sarah Bousquet

The pictures of Jean Bousquet and his 11 year old daughter were taken at the grave of Sgt. Sullivan against a blue sky just after a rain shower and a dark sky. He explained to his daughter that perhaps it was a sign from Sgt. Sullivan from heaven. First he welcomed them with a dark sky to symbolize all his emotion with rain tears. They had taken refuge in the cemetery chapel waiting for the end of the downpour. Later, the sky turned blue, perhaps symbolizing his joy to see a young 11 year old girl who came to thank him for his sacrifice and offer flowers that his memory should not be forgotten.

relatives of Leopoldville victims are encouraged to contact the following individuals for assistance in placing flowers or providing helpful information to the Flowers of Memory Organization or the Certified Interpretive Guides at Normandy American Cemetery. To learn more about the Flowers of Memory organization, visit their web site

Bousquet Jean Christophe <>

Clive Tirlemont <>

Clemence Moalli <>

Stephanie Le Bris – Certified Interpretive Guide Normandy American Cemetery

Le Bris Stephanie <>